Black Tie Halloween Wedding in Raleigh, North Carolina

I love weddings. When two people promise their love to one another, and I get to capture it - it's just the most magical thing. 

Scott and Sean, both sucessful Business Man, promised their life to each other on Halloween in a wonderful Black Tie Event in Raleigh, North Carolina. These two men have so much style, I was in constant aw about the decorations and all the lights. 

Gay Weddings in North Carolina are special to me, because one year ago, this couldn't have happened. But these two men love each other so much, and now they are able to promise their life to each other, even in a southern state. 

I didn't even know the two personally, but the speeches and their never fading smiles brought tears to my eyes. 

Both of them are very, very fond of aesthetics, which showed at their wedding, that was planned through and through with beautiful details. 


Look at all these lights! 

Scott and Sean had a Sunset Ceremony, which was beautiful. Scott's vows gave an insight on how Sean makes him a better person, singing along to Taylor Swift's Shake it off. He promised to be more open and less annoyed, when Sean brought out his crazy ideas and was being super emotional. Sean smiled. 


The Party after was fabulous as well. Everyone was wearing Black Suits and Beautiful Ball Gowns, the food was wonderful and everybody was having a wonderful time.