Dani Lynn's Bridal Session - Raleigh, North Carolina Wedding Photographer

Now that Dani Lynn's Wedding has passed, I can FINALLY share her absolutely amazing Bridal Photography Session we had a couple of weeks before I got to be her Wedding Photographer in Raleigh North Carolina in a beautiful little park in Fayetteville North Carolina. When I tell you I spent the most amazing day with her while Elisha from Elisha Seaton Make up got her ready and during her session with me (even tho we were fighting the rain), it's the absolute truth! I did not want to let her go - we were instant best friends and had such a blast talking about everything from our favorite things to our past to the weirdest things we had in common. I have been sitting on these amazing pictures for a while now and I SO beyond thrilled to finally be able to share them. I hope you enjoy! 

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